Rotary Market Drayton provide practical support for local events like Ginger and Spice, The Festival of Lights and The Carnival. We are currently raising funds for The Buddy Bag Foundation, Hope House and Mencap along with other charities. We aim to be informed, to network with other organisations and to help our community. Rotary enco
Rotary Market Drayton provide practical support for local events like Ginger and Spice, The Festival of Lights and The Carnival. We are currently raising funds for The Buddy Bag Foundation, Hope House and Mencap along with other charities. We aim to be informed, to network with other organisations and to help our community. Rotary encourages high ethical standards and Rotarians abide by the Four Way Test:
Is it TRUE?
Is it FAIR to all concerned?
Is it BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
If you need help for a good cause, let us know.
We are part of a Big Global Network!
Rotary works for Peace and goodwill around the world. With more than 34,000 clubs in more than 200 countries, Rotarians gain an understanding of humanitarian issues through international service projects and exchange programmes. One major success which is celebrated every year, is our major contribution to the campaign to end Polio.
Rotary is also a social organisation - members socialise, network and have fun together. As the oldest service club in the world, Rotary club members represent a cross-section of the community. Including people with wide experience in business, the professions and political leaders. Rotary provides opportunities to build friendships locally and also make international connections.
Our popular Treasure Trail is still available at in
Market Drayton Library.
There is no prize but the train provides a fun day out using your detective skills to follow the clues.
You can still email your answer to check that you've got it right!
We meet on the first Thursday and the third Tuesday of each month plus social and community support events. We have fun while supporting local charities.
Our group meets for a Speaker Meeting on 1st Thursday of the month at Mencap and on the 3rd Tuesday of the month we have a business meeting in the Town Hall before visiting a local pub.
Guests are welcome at meetings.
We also meet for social, community and fundraising events
The Vaults - Shropshire Street, Market DRayton.
Members and friends are invited to come and support this popular quiz to raise money for the Town Hall Electronic Noticeboard
The Vaults - Shropshire Street, Market DRayton.
MenCap Building, Market Drayton
Kimberley Summers Photographer
MenCap Building, Market Drayton
Town Hall
And afterwards socialising in a local pub.
Town Hall
The Vaults - Shropshire Street, Market DRayton.
Members are invited to support a Charity Quiz for The Civic Society to raise funds for the Museum,
The Vaults - Shropshire Street, Market DRayton.
MenCap Building
Paul Tanner on Cyber Security
MenCap Building
Sign up to hear from us about our work and about other great events!
Minutes of previous meetings can now be viewed on
Rotary View
More details next meeting.
Thank you to all the members who braved the cold to collect for our Christmas Charities outside Morrison's Supermarket - and who dressed up and even involved their pets!
Thank you to everybody who contributed to the fund that will be shared between Hope House and Mary's Meals.
Members enjoyed a talk about the process of distilling and the history of Tranquil Still and an opportunity to taste some prize winning Gins.
Members enjoyed the tasting and the opportunity to find out about how the gin is made.
The results of the Market Drayton Treasure Trail have been drawn.
The winners were drawn by a member of Leek Rotary Club in front of all the Rotarians who attended the round of our District Quiz at Leek Golf Club, on the evening of the 7th November.
The winner of the Fortnum & Masons Hamper was Roxy Wright and the winner of the Rotary Hamper was Susan Beckwith.
Both winners have been invited to our next meeting on the 19th November at Market Drayton Town Hall to collect their prizes.
Market Drayton Rotary club meet at the Town Hall on the 3rd Tuesday of every month at 19:30.
Visitors are welcome to attend and we would definitely like to encourage more members to join the club.
The Treasure Trail was a fun and exciting way to explore Market Drayton, using detective skills to follow the clues, eliminate the red herrings and find the solution - while enjoying a fun day out for all the family!
Market Drayton Rotary are very proud to support the fabulous Ginger and Spice Festival with backstage assistance (putting up signs, etc) stewarding and we also have a stall which raises money for Rotary Charities.
Many thanks to everybody who visited the stall and bought tombola tickets or tickets for the Barrow of Booze and bought Treasure Hunt Booklet.
Ruby Hartshorn, Chair of Shropshire Safe Spaces, came to talk to our Speaker Meeting in August.
The Safe Place Scheme is a nationwide initiative originally established by Mencap in Worcestershire and brought to Shropshire in 2013. Supported by Shropshire Council, Telford & Wrekin Council and West Mercia Police, it provides a network of ‘short-term safe havens’ for people who may require additional support and assistance when they are out and about in the community by providing vulnerable individuals with a number of places that they know they can go to and immediately receive support and understanding about their issues. This includes people with learning disabilities or those who live with anxiety attacks or dementia.
Market Drayton currently has 20 businesses signed up as Safe Spaces under the scheme - there is room for more.
More information on Market Drayton - Safe Places Shropshire
Ella, winner of the local competition, also won at District Level and her certificate and prize was presented in Market Drayton Library.
Ella's painting proceeded to the National Competition and although she did not win, her entry will receive a Finalist Certificate.
Well done Ella!
A big thank you to everyone who has taken part in this competition - the first we have run as a club.
We look forward to expanding the competitions next year.
The theme for next year's Young Artist competition is
Wonderful Water.
A huge thank you to Hannah Moore from Mary's Meals who came to talk to the group in July.
Mary's Meals is a Scottish charity which works to provide children with a good meal to start the day in countries around the world.
Members were amazed to discover that - working with local farmers and community volunteers - they are able to provide a good breakfast for a child for only 10p per day - under £20 a year!
More information available on
Homepage | Mary's Meals UK (
Or find them on Facebook.
Copyright © 2025 Rotary Market Drayton - All Rights Reserved.